We are fast approaching the end of the 2024 Session of the General Assembly. On Thursday, several gun control bills passed the second house for consideration and are headed to Governor Youngkin. Only one of the bills has taken the next step before arriving at the Governor. Each bill has to be "Enrolled," and then the text of the bill has to be printed as it passed both houses, so now is the time to contact the Governor and urge him to veto these bills. You can contact Governor Youngkin at glenn.youngkin@governor.virginia.gov . The bills that are now headed to Governor Youngkin are:
SB 273: This bill would impose a mandatory five-day waiting period for all firearm purchases in Virginia.
SB 100: This bill would end the ability of individuals to build a firearm for personal use without government interference, something that has been done for centuries. The "scary" term “ghost gun” is an invention of gun ban advocates to restrict the rights of law-abiding citizens. Criminals are prohibited from owning a firearm regardless of how the firearm is made. This means that whether that possessed firearm was made in a factory, or using a kit, it does not change the fact that possession of that firearm is a criminal act.
SB 368: This bill would create mandatory storage requirements for firearms and ammunition.
SB 491: This bill would subject firearm manufacturers and dealers to frivolous lawsuits by creating a civil cause of action for violations. The legislation requires industry members to establish and implement controls based on vague and unenumerated standards of conduct. A suit against a manufacturer or dealer could be brought by the Attorney General or a local county or city attorney for a perceived violation of these "standards of conduct."
HB 498: This bill would require local school boards to develop and implement a policy for distribution by the local district to inform parents about firearm safety and storage laws in the Commonwealth. This mandate could be used as a gun ban propaganda tool funded by taxpayer dollars.
SB 99: This bill would prohibit the carrying of certain semi-automatic center-fire rifles and shotguns on any public street, road, alley, sidewalk, or public right-of-way or in any public park or any other place of whatever nature that is open to the public, with certain exceptions. Under current law, the current prohibition on carrying certain shotguns and semi-automatic center-fire rifles and pistols applies to a narrower range of firearms, only in certain localities, and only when such firearms are loaded.
Please contact Governor Youngkin and politely urge him to veto the above bills. It is best to send an email yourself rather than use a pre-written email system. Emails in your own words will have a greater impact on the Governor and will be viewed as being sent by the sender rather than by an automated service.